Coping with Chronic Conditions from the Perspective of Stoicism: Lessons from Seneca and Epictetus
Chronic Conditions, Human Sciences, Philosophy, Self-Care, DisciplineAbstract
This research has a theoretical approach based on the stoic principle that happiness and self-fulfillment are natural consequences of right attitudes. It is possible to change the will to suit the world and live sick and happy, stating an individual desire autonomous and deterministic. This presupposes not an apathetic fatalism, but a moral resistance to better face the hardships of life. These are congruent principles to health care models for strengthening and supporting people in chronic conditions. A literature review of three works of the Stoic School (Encheiridion and The Discourses, by Epictetus, and Moral Letters to Lucilius, by Seneca) was performed. As results some principles are presented converging to notions of selfcare and shared care for chronic conditions, primarily focused on the autonomy and discipline of users to manage their health.
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