Bilateral Thalamic Infarction: Arterial versus Venous




Bilateral thalamic infarction, Percheron’s artery, Venous sinus thrombosis, Cerebrovascular disease


Bilateral thalamic infarcts can be due to arterial or venous pathology. The clinical presentation and the imaging findings show similarities, their physiopathogenesis, management and prognosis being different. We present the clinical radiological comparison of two cases with bilateral thalamic infarction of arterial and venous occlusive origin, respectively.


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How to Cite

Patiño Méndez, R. (2021). Bilateral Thalamic Infarction: Arterial versus Venous. MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 9(1), 49–52.



Articles of images in clinical medicine