The Importance of “Self-knowledge” in the Prevention and Control of IBD Crises - Crohn


  • Fátima Farias Universidad Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP



Self-knowledge, Mental triggers, Behaviors, Thoughts, Interactions, Emotions


Self-knowledge is the ability to integrate different sources of information about oneself and recognize their impacts on their lives and actions, considering their gender and other roles played in daily life. The challenges faced by a person with a chronic and complex disease such as IBD-Crohn require a constant state of alertness to maintain control and management of signs and symptoms. It is also necessary to understand that absorbing proper and state-of-the-art medications does not minimize the mental triggers that can be triggered through poorly designed behaviors, thoughts, interactions and emotions within oneself.


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How to Cite

Farias, F. (2022). The Importance of “Self-knowledge” in the Prevention and Control of IBD Crises - Crohn. MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 10(1), 1–11.



Research articles