Stress Reduction Program from Mind-Body Medicine

Transtheoretical Model and the Socio-Cognitive Theory


  • Andrea Catalina Nassar Tobón Neuróloga



Transtheoretical Model, Socio-Cognitive Theory, Mind-Body Medicine, Stress , Allostatic Load


This text reflects on the harmful consequences of chronic stress and proposes a stress reduction program based on relaxation techniques. It is grounded in mind-body medicine, the transtheoretical model, and socio-cognitive theory because they offer a comprehensive approach to promote relaxation habits and physical well-being. The program consists of eight weekly sessions lasting 60 minutes each, along with exercises, with the aim of reducing allostatic load. Effectiveness is assessed using the Stress Perception Scale. Although there are no empirical results yet, the goal is to promote health, prevent illnesses, and enhance the quality of life.


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How to Cite

Nassar Tobón, A. C. (2023). Stress Reduction Program from Mind-Body Medicine : Transtheoretical Model and the Socio-Cognitive Theory . MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 11(1), 67–83.