Body Proper, Appropriated

A Biopolitical Reading of Aristotle’s Concept of Habit




Aristotle, Biopolitics, Bourdieu, Dispositive, Habit


The concept of habit receives a technical-philosophical use in the work of Aristotle that entails a dialectics between the agent and a system in which he is situated. In its dual active and passive dimensions, the notion of habit enables to understand the living body as a body proper and, at the same time, as an appropriated body. The habit is the fundamental biopolitical dispositive by which the living body is appropriated and subjected to the Body Politic and its logic, made explicit in Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus.


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How to Cite

Grassi, M. (2023). Body Proper, Appropriated: A Biopolitical Reading of Aristotle’s Concept of Habit. MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 11(1), 11–23.



Research Articles (Special Issue)