Towards a sustainable society in the context of climate change: revision of energy, health and educational models in Spain today


  • Andrés-José Ursa Herguedas Instituto de Medicina Integrativa
  • Sandra Ursa Bartolomé Centro de Salud Potosí



Climate change, Renewable Energy, Education Pact, Integrative Medicine, Sustainable Society


A review of the energy, education and health models in Spain shows serious deficiencies that adversely affect the environment, the economy and education of young people. Contributions within the obvious logic and its implementation aimed at reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, improve efficiency and energy efficiency, adapt non-university and university education with the times and give the Spanish health system of economic and environmental sustainability, restoring the dehumanization of medicine.


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How to Cite

Ursa Herguedas, A.-J., & Ursa Bartolomé, S. (2016). Towards a sustainable society in the context of climate change: revision of energy, health and educational models in Spain today. MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 5(1).



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