Cayetano Heredia and the modernization of Peruvian medical training
Revolutionary management, medical training, meritocracy, curricular innovationAbstract
Medicine did not receive the attention it deserved during the viceroyalty, achieving position only at the end of the colony with the founding of the College of Medicine and Surgery of San Fernando de Lima by the work of the protomedic Hipólito Unanue; College where the notable doctor Cayetano Heredia trained. Precisely, the present research aims to describe Heredia's revolutionary management in the modernization of Peruvian medical training from his rectorship at the head of the aforementioned College and as dean of the San Fernando Faculty of Medicine that he founded. As results of the bibliographic research, it was found that Heredia achieved notable progress in medical training from a humanistic management, committed to the implementation of laboratories, curricular innovation, permanent training and meritocratic selection of teachers; achievements in his periods as rector or dean that have earned recognition from the Peruvian medical community.
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