Benefits of equine therapy activities on the health of children with disabilities. Analysis of parents' perceptions of a social assistance program
Equine therapy, disability, overall health, parents' perceptions, access barriersAbstract
The study analyzes the benefits of equine therapy on the overall health of children with disabilities from their parents’ perspective, using a qualitative approach and phenomenological design based on 25 semi-structured interviews. The results reveal improvements in physical aspects (balance, posture, and coordination), emotional aspects (confidence, self-esteem, and anxiety reduction), and social aspects (interaction and communication). Parents highlight the emotional bond between the children and the horses as a key factor, although they face barriers such as high costs, the location of centers, and a lack of institutional support, which limit the continuity of therapy. It is concluded that equine therapy is an inclusive and effective intervention to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities and their families. However, it is essential to overcome economic and logistical barriers through public policies that subsidize and promote its accessibility and sustainability as a therapeutic tool.
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