Equinoterapia como herramienta terapéutica e inclusiva: Beneficios psicofísicos y socioemocionales en personas con discapacidad
Equine therapy, disability, social inclusion, psychomotor development, emotional well-being, qualitative researchAbstract
The study from a qualitative phenomenological approach explores psychophysical, social and emotional benefits of equine therapy as a therapeutic and inclusive intervention for people with disabilities through interviews carried out with a multidisciplinary team from a social assistance program. The objective was to understand how professionals experience and perceive the effects of equine therapy in their student patients. The results coincide with the literature, highlighting that equine therapy develops motor skills, improves muscle tone, regulates emotions, socially includes helping to participate in group activities and develops socio-emotional skills, increasing self-esteem and confidence, which favors the emotional well-being of the student/patients. The importance of continuing to promote equine therapy is highlighted, addressing the logistical and economic barriers that hinder its expansion, underlining the need for more studies and resources to guarantee that the benefits of therapeutic practices are accessible to more people with disabilities.
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