Narrative Medicine: Principles, Benefits and Challenges


  • Kelly Simone Cunegundes Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo


Palabras clave:

Narrativa, Medicina Narrativa, Narratividade, Humanidades Médicas, Humanidades em Saúde, Empatia , Medicina centrada na pessoa


Narratives are a fundamental part of human lived experiences and disclose values, meanings, and purposes. Narrative Medicine emerged from the urgent call to react to the radicalization of biomedical model in healthcare, that promoted significant advances in medicine but, at the same time, moved away subjectivity from medical-patient relationship. Narrative competence is understood as the capability to listen, absorb, interpret, and take decisions based on patients’ accounts and that competence involves textual, creative, and affective abilities when listening or reading stories. The goal of this article is to discuss the history, principles, practice, and challenges of narrative medicine.


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Cómo citar

Cunegundes, K. S. (2022). Narrative Medicine: Principles, Benefits and Challenges. MEDICA REVIEW. International Medical Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades Médicas, 10(2), 109–118.