
  • EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review / Revista Internacional de Educación y Aprendizaje

    EDU Review is a scientific journal that accepts manuscripts related to contemporary and emerging research, theory, methods, and practices in the field of education. The journal welcomes research articles, critical reflection articles, systematic review articles, book reviews, and proposals for the publication of Special Issues. The journal is peer-reviewed (doubly anonymous) and publishes papers written in Spanish and English.

  • SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review / Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales

    SOCIAL REVIEW is a scientific journal that publishes original works of anthropology, archeology, political sciences, economy, geography, history, pscychology, sociology, that have as main purpose, the study of behavior, conduct, relationships, and ideas of human as group members, societies and institutions. The journal welcomes research articles, critical reflection articles, systematic review articles, book reviews, and proposals for the publication of Special Issues. The journal is peer-reviewed (double-blind) and publishes papers written in Spanish and English.

  • EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review / Revista Internacional de Tecnologías Educativas

    EDUTECH Review is a scientific journal that publishes original works both about theoretical and practical orientation, with a prescriptive and descriptive approach, including technological practices narratives and their effects. The journal welcomes research articles, critical reflection articles, systematic review articles, book reviews, and proposals for the publication of Special Issues, that present the current state of this specialty, as well as the texts that propose dynamic methodological learning prescriptions mediated by technology. The journal is peer-reviewed (double-blind) and publishes papers written in Spanish and English.