Hybrid Learning: an Opportunity for Collaborative Work and Co-Teaching





Teaching, Learning, Hybrid Models, Virtual Education


The experience of the Santo Domingo school is described, after implementing a hybrid teaching-learning modality in times of pandemic. From the methodological point of view, a descriptive qualitative approach is explored, with an intrinsic case study. Collaborative work and co-teaching between the various levels are recognized, as well as the assessment of synchronous work over asynchronous classes, and the recognition of the implementation of the project-based methodology, which facilitated the integration of various subjects. Some of the critical issues are located in the quality of the internet and the hardware available to the students.


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How to Cite

Alvarez Cisternas, M., & Contreras Soto, Y. S. (2022). Hybrid Learning: an Opportunity for Collaborative Work and Co-Teaching . EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 9(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.37467/gkarevedutech.v9.3067



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