The pathologies of intoxication in classical Greece: the eloquent silence of the Hippocratic Corpus (Corpus Hippocraticum)
History of medicine, Alcoholism, Knowledge, Causality, Time FactorsAbstract
Although wine was an important part of the Greek diet, the Hippocratics did not attribute to it an exclusive role as a cause of diseases. This article explores the Hippocratic epistemological system in search of the reasons for this indifference. The Corpus is based on pre-reflective notions of totality, adequacy and open temporality. The first means that wine is regarded as a mere carrier of the qualitative elements (dry, wet, hot, cold) making up the Universe; the second, that it does not confer an immutable effect, irrespective of the circumstances; lastly, the third leads the Hippocratic view to prognosis at the detriment of the causes, which might include contumacious intoxication. Taken together, these notions preclude the Hippocratic view from associating wine with a specific disease.
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