Interactive Relations, Internet and Public Secondary Mexico: First Wave on Uses, Consumption, Skills and Safe Internet Browsing in Sonora, Mexico (2013)
ICT, Secondary Education, Communication, Interactive GenerationAbstract
This study is an assessment about the uses, attitudes, habits, skills and behavior towards ICT by young students from public high Sonora (Mexico). It also measures the knowledge of young people about the risks, their reaction to them and habits or adopting safety measures in their use of ICT. To prepare the study we used a mixed methodology based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Quantitative analysis looked at the implementation of surveys 3,031 students between 12 and 15 years. The qualitative analysis, meanwhile, included 66 in-depth interviews and seven focus groups with students and parents. The study aims to emphasize not only the evidence that account uses, consumption and current skills of young people to the Internet but to explain what might be, in any case, the potential and opportunities that certain screens and smart devices generated in the building interactive relationships and, therefore, its own identity.
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