Pedagogical Uses of ICT according to the Creative Activity of the Discent: From consumption to participatory co-creation
Technology Enhanced Learning, ICT integration, Educational Technology, Information and Communication Technologies, Educational Uses of ICTAbstract
Integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) in education has generated great hopes and, in some cases, it has produced technological innovations without the basic educational foundations. Some pedagogical uses of ICT improve learning mediated by technology (Laferrière et al., 2015) but we also observe some uses of ICT that place students in situations of passive or interactive consumption. With the purpose of integrating ICT to improve learning and to analyze the limits of passive or interactive consumption, we present five levels of educational uses of ICT. First, passive consumption (eg videos); second, interactive consumption (eg interactive schoolbooks); in third and fourth place the creation of individual or team content (eg create a story), and finally, the participatory co-creation of knowledge, aimed at understanding or solving problems and conceived within a learning community.
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