Use of the Mobile Devices of the Main Actors of the Teaching and Learning Process in the University: Application of Information and Communication Technologies to education


  • Gustavo Mangisch Universidad Católica de Cuyo
  • Lucía Ghilardi Universidad Católica de Cuyo
  • Virna Vinader Universidad Católica de Cuyo
  • Josefina Avelin Universidad Católica de Cuyo
  • María del Rosario Mangisch Universidad Católica de Cuyo



Mobile Device, Virtual Education, Distance Education, Smartphone


The research seeks to provide relevant information on the use given by teachers and students of the university to mobile devices, linked to the teaching and learning processes. The study seeks to obtain meaningful information about the impact and the potential use of ICT in university education, to favor the UCCuyo's technological and digital development policy and to contribute to the development and investment decisions of the technological area.


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How to Cite

Mangisch, G., Ghilardi, L., Vinader, V., Avelin, J., & Mangisch, M. del R. (2020). Use of the Mobile Devices of the Main Actors of the Teaching and Learning Process in the University: Application of Information and Communication Technologies to education. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 7(1), pp. 55–65.



Research articles