The Improvement in the Acquisition of Knowledge to a Methodological Renewal of Learning
ITC, Traditional Method, GenderAbstract
This study aims to test the effectiveness of learning through a methodology with ICT over the traditional method. The methodology used in the research is characterized as a prospective study (planned); Experimental cutting with pretest and posttest; and using different techniques and tools for collecting information. This study was conducted through a questionnaire to 77 students Grade of "Early Childhood Education" and "Primary Education" of the University CEU Cardenal Herrera, Castellon. Initially the students completed a questionnaire (pretest) and then they were divided into two groups; in one group was imparted a traditional session and in the other group a session with ICT tools, on a new unknown content in both groups. After analyzing the results it can be concluded that students acquire better knowledge of traditional form. This may be because almost all students have received teaching (pre-university) by the traditional method, which may influence their styles learning. There is also a gender difference, as there is a variation of this variable for the ICT method and the traditional method.
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