Notes on School


  • Nancy Argenis Salazar Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia



Schooling, School, Government Practices, Education


This article discusses schooling as a focus of analysis to understand the current dynamics around school processes, to describe it as something that works as a network and regulates the educational linked to the school, but not limited to it, since it is very common to indifferentiate them. What promises us to inquire about those events, which seem to be sufficiently consistent as to their unit of analysis. Thus, it is necessary to delve into those notions that may give a little more clarity about schooling, making use of primary sources that make up the documentary corpus, according to the archaeological-genealogical method.

Author Biography

Nancy Argenis Salazar, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia




* Licenciatura en Biología, Universidad Distrital “FRANCISCO JOSE DE CALDAS”



* Especialización en Bioingeniería, Universidad Distrital “FRANCISCO JOSE DE CALDAS”


* Maestría en Docencia “UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE”


* Estudiante del programa de Doctorado Interinstitucional en educación “UNIVERSIDAD PEDAGOGICA NACIONAL”



* Docente investigadora y desarrolladora de proyectos productivos, En el marco de la formación académica formal para adultos, DECRETO 3011, IED. INTEGRADO DE FONTIBON IBEP.


* Formadora de Docentes, Diplomado ETIC@ Nivel explorador, En el marco del convenio ASOANDES S.A, Y CPE, (Computadores para educar)



* Docente acompañante de proyectos educativos en el marco del plan sectorial de Bogotá, Docente del Equipo de Calidad (Ciudad Bolívar) 2010-2011Subsecretaria de Calidad y Pertinencia, Secretaria de educación de Bogotá


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How to Cite

Salazar, N. A. (2020). Notes on School . EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 7(4), pp. 237–244.



Research articles