Between individual empowerment and persistence of social inequalities: an analysis of the effects of an active school experience on students of an alternative school in Ecuador


  • Emily Lopez Puyol Aix-Marseille Université



Alternative Education, Active Pedagogy, Empowerment, Social Inequalities, Gender Stereotypes


The vast majority of the work done on educational inequalities have focused on the educational system called "traditional." In this context, little research has been done on the effects of "alternative" pedagogical experiences. This work proposes to study the case of an alternative school in Ecuador, analyzing how social inequalities are reproduced or limited within this school structure. We will show how these pedagogy can reduce the influence of the normative social categories through a process of subjectivation shared by their former students. On the other hand, we will analyze how an active school structure, focused on the respect of individual school rhythms, in the same way allows the reproduction of some social inequalities and gender stereotypes.

Author Biography

Emily Lopez Puyol, Aix-Marseille Université

Doctoranda en el laboratorio ADEF (Aprendizaje, Didáctica, Evaluación, Formación) dentro la Escuela Superior de Profesorado y Educación (ESPE) en la Universidad Aix-Marseille.


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How to Cite

Lopez Puyol, E. (2019). Between individual empowerment and persistence of social inequalities: an analysis of the effects of an active school experience on students of an alternative school in Ecuador. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 6(4), 209–216.



Research articles