From Didactic Time to Educational Time: a Suggestive Exploration through Temporality


  • Silvia Sánchez-Serrano Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Social psychology, Childhood, Time, Organization and Planning of Education


This work intends to be a reflection, a brief tour, about what philosophers of time have thought. Only those who can shed light on time as value and the value of time in education. What conception of time hides behind the reality of education? Is it coherent with the one that philosophers of time have? The didactic time is Kronos, chronological time, organized and programmed. The time of education are Aión and Kairós, human and vital time. In the conception of Bergson it would be a time of creation. Finally, it is proposed a change of the educative time paradigm.


Barlow, M. (1968). El pensamiento de Bergson. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Bergson, H. (1962). Las dos fuentes de la moral y la religión. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.

Bergson, H. (1973). La evolución creadora. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.

Bergson, H. (1999). Ensayo sobre los datos inmediatos de la conciencia. Salamanca: Sígueme.

Ferrater Mora, J. (1964). Diccionario de Filosofía. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana

Gimeno, J. (2008). El valor del tiempo en la educación. Madrid: Morata.



How to Cite

Sánchez-Serrano, S. (2018). From Didactic Time to Educational Time: a Suggestive Exploration through Temporality. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 6(3), 119–125.



Research articles