The Didactic Transposition of Contents of Castilian Language and Literature and Mathematics from the perspective of Primary trainee teachers: the Case of Taboo words and Euphemisms and Percentages


  • Elisabeth Melguizo-Moreno Universidad de Granada
  • José Antonio Fernández-Plaza Universidad de Granada



Didactic Transposition, Castilian Language and Literature, Mathematics, Curricular Placement, Primary Education


This paper describes the process of didactic transposition carried out by two groups of second and third year students of the Degree in Primary Education of the University of Granada. Specifically, it analyzes the trainee teachers’ performance in curricular placement of the lessons of two textbooks in the 6th year of Primary Education corresponding to the areas of Castilian Language and Literature and Mathematics and from different Publishers: "Taboo words and euphemisms" and "Percentages", respectively. For each topic considered, the data collection is done through a questionnaire based on the current curricular framework (LOMCE).



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How to Cite

Melguizo-Moreno, E., & Fernández-Plaza, J. A. (2019). The Didactic Transposition of Contents of Castilian Language and Literature and Mathematics from the perspective of Primary trainee teachers: the Case of Taboo words and Euphemisms and Percentages. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 6(4), 259–274.



Research articles