Profile of Teacher Educators in Special Education: Impact on Improving Student Learning


  • José María Contreras González Benemérita Escuela Normal Urbana Nocturna de Estado



Competition, Academic, Performance, Quality


It may be strange to have to accept that, despite the various investigations, there is currently no broad consensus on the traits and skills that should have the academic profile of the teacher educator in special education, the task involves providing quality education for the the constant updating and professional preparation is required, it is necessary to develop the basic skills trainer for teaching and impact their teaching methodology. This paper seeks to take the first steps to define the profile of the teacher educator in special education within the scope of the powers, the overall objective is to analyze the relationship between the profile and learning outcomes that students have achieved, as it is said that education is a human reality doubly because its subject of study is man and only he can also exercise and carry out similar.


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How to Cite

Contreras González, J. M. (2016). Profile of Teacher Educators in Special Education: Impact on Improving Student Learning. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 4(2).



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