The Implications Associated with Teacher Perception and Understanding of the Danielson Framework in Selected High Schools in the U.S.A.


  • Peter Monaghan Glenbard West High School - Roosevelt University



The improvement of teacher pedagogical practice is a central focus of contemporary school reform in the U.S.A.  Moreover, the systematic evaluation of teacher pedagogical practice is viewed as an essential means to improve student achievement.  The Danielson Framework is a theoretical construct that is widely used by school districts in the U.S.A. to conduct the evaluation of teachers.  This paper is based on the summary findings of a study conducted in three selected suburban Chicago high schools in the State of Illinois.  The study assessed teacher perceptions of their understanding of the Framework, teacher perceptions of their evaluators understanding of the Framework, and the extent to which teachers altered pedagogical practice as a result of teacher evaluation.  Data were collected through survey, interviews, document analysis, and focus groups and were analyzed employing descriptive statistics and qualitative research methods to identify codes and themes. An analysis of the data revealed that there is an ongoing need to develop professional practices that enhance collaboration and deepen the mutual understanding among stakeholders of components within the Framework.  While the survey results demonstrated a clear understanding of the Framework among the teachers, it was also revealed that teacher evaluation has a low impact on teacher’s pedagogical practice.  There are important implications of this study related to teacher development and the targeting of particular components within the evaluation that are high impact.  The study highlights the limitations of teacher evaluation as a tool to improve pedagogical practice.  Implications for practice for school administrators responsible for the planning, development, and implementation of teacher evaluation are presented.  


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How to Cite

Monaghan, P. (2019). The Implications Associated with Teacher Perception and Understanding of the Danielson Framework in Selected High Schools in the U.S.A. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 1(1), 23–30.