Strengthening the visions of students as proficient L2 speakers: A teaching proposal for the EFL classroom


  • Aranzazu García Pinar CUD UCPT



Over the past ten years, research on second language motivation has been dominated by Dörnyei’s influential motivational paradigm, the L2 Motivational Self System. This theoretical construct is comprised of the ideal L2 self, the ought-to L2 self and the L2 learning experience. Students’ imagined visualisations are central components in this theory, as this holds that students who have an explicit ideal self-image with an L2 component are more likely to be motivated to learn a language than other students that have not established a desired future state goal for themselves. To enhance students’ future-self-images, L2 lecturers can create adequate L2 learning experiences, where methodologies and materials fit in with the students’ needs, and where their visions as proficient users of the L2 are regularly sustained and strengthened by productive and realistic tasks. This article offers a teaching proposal that uses multimodal TED conferences as classroom artefacts to embolden students in the foreign language classroom to speak in public. These students might, if able to visualise their desired language selves portrayed in TED speakers, be motivated to spread their ideas worth spreading.

Author Biography

Aranzazu García Pinar, CUD UCPT

Soy profesora de Ingles y Francés en el Centro Universitario de la Defensa, centro adscrito a la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)


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How to Cite

García Pinar, A. (2019). Strengthening the visions of students as proficient L2 speakers: A teaching proposal for the EFL classroom. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 1(2), 51–60.