Self-esteem According to Coopersmith and Academic Performance Covid-19, in EPIME Students -UNTELS




Self-esteem, Academic performance, Coopersmith


The purpose of the research is to verify if self-esteem in times of Covid-19 influences academic performance in EPIME students from UNTELS. The research is correlational, descriptive, observational, and multivariate. The validity and reliability of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, adapted by Chahuayo & Diaz (2017) was verified. The results reveal that self-esteem directly influences academic performance with a correlation of 95.63%. In conclusion, academic performance is very poor and is related to self-esteem, which does not allow personal change, which causes a loss of self-confidence.


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How to Cite

Pfuyo Muñoz, R. (2021). Self-esteem According to Coopersmith and Academic Performance Covid-19, in EPIME Students -UNTELS. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 9(3), 269–282.