Analysis of Factors Contributing to Academic Success in College Students: Estudy of Four Cases of the University of Colima


  • Mireya Sarahí Abarca Cedeño Universidad de Colima
  • María Teresa Gómez Pérez Universidad de Colima
  • Mª de Lourdes Covarrubias Venegas Universidad de Colima



Academic Success, School Failure, College Student, School Performance, Study Habits


If we consider success to be the ability of an individual to define their life’s purpose, develop their cognitive, emotional, physical potential and to instill values in others (Amaya and Prado, 2002), then it is of great importance to identify the factors that aid an individual in an academic setting. According to Melavé (2001), students who are academically successful are highly motivated, have a positive attitude towards their chosen career and have good study habits, all of which may be related to the school performance, defined by Pérez, Ramón and Sánchez (2000) as the sum of different and complex factors of the learner, measured by test scores with a quantitative assessment, whose results indicate a passed or failed course, attrition and level of academic success. With the purpose of identifying and improving factors that contribute to academic success, as well as implementing strategies in order for students to successfully complete their degree, a qualitative research study was conducted through in-depth interviews with four students in the 2010-2014 class, whom had above average school performance in their major. Each one came from a different area of training: health sciences, engineering, humanities and economic-administrative affairs. A categorical analysis was performed out on the interviews with the software MAXqda. The results show that study habits, time management, family support and prioritization of activities are factors that promote academic success.


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How to Cite

Abarca Cedeño, M. S., Gómez Pérez, M. T., & Covarrubias Venegas, M. de L. (2015). Analysis of Factors Contributing to Academic Success in College Students: Estudy of Four Cases of the University of Colima. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(2).



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