Production of Meanings about Linear Systems through the Flow of Electric Current: a Didactic Situation


  • Maria Alice Veiga Ferreira de Souza Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Sotério Ferreira de Souza Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Luciano Lessa Lorenzoni Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Oscar Luiz Teixeira de Rezende Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo



Linear Systems, Didactic Situation, Electric Current


The content of linear systems integrates the resolution of many problems, notably in Engineering. Despite its learning starts in previous school years, engineering students have shown deficits meanings necessary for application and later, decision-making to use this mathematical tool in academic-scientific-professional contexts. After the diagnosis of learning linear systems, limited to mechanized calculations off of interpretations that should be associated with the numerical results for these students, we investigated the favor of a didactic situation to deepen this knowledge and to bring to the foreground, the meanings useful for use with greater autonomy in the light of theoretical assumptions of Brousseau. To this end, it was proposed to thirty-six students, organized in groups of two and three members, the study of the flow of electric current in a circuit prepared for them, from which emerged a linear system studied and interpreted by the students through the teaching situation proposal. Qualitative research revealed that all subjects produced advanced school meant for it to be a linear system and their uses, revealing thus a viable didactic situation for the persecuted educational goals.


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How to Cite

Veiga Ferreira de Souza, M. A., Ferreira de Souza, S., Lessa Lorenzoni, L., & Teixeira de Rezende, O. L. (2015). Production of Meanings about Linear Systems through the Flow of Electric Current: a Didactic Situation. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(2).



Research articles