A Latin American Experience in Learning E-learning


  • Hildemarys Margot Terán Delgado Universidad Nacional Abierta




PACIE, Virtual Education, Collaborative Learning, Technology, Social Constructivism


The Foundation for Latin American Technology Update (FATLA) offers among its programs the Expert E-learning supported by a virtual education model developed by Mr. Pedro Camacho called PACIE (Presence, Scope, Training, Interaction, E-learning). As part of the training process, during the period 2011-2012 in the Campus Pegasus developed social constructivism experience in the development of virtual learning environments by a Team: "Tecnotutores" composed of 6 participants of three Latin American countries: Venezuela, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. This qualitative research such dialectical hermeneutics approached from a case study on meaningful learning, collaborative sharing and managed within the group, in the light of one of its members. Part of the story of tasks that encouraged the participation, integration and collaboration tools using technical-didactic, through the implementation of a virtual learning methodology such as PACIE to reach expertise in e-learning processes. The interpretive process denoted as creativity, innovation, and collaboration achieved allowed talking about the acquisition of a gradual learning, reflective using a methodology by attempting to humanize the educational event is revolutionizing the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Terán Delgado, H. M. (2015). A Latin American Experience in Learning E-learning. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revedu.v3.599



Research articles