The Implementation of the Workshop “Let’s Play with Algebra” for the Improvement of Academic Performance in the Field of Algebraic Expressions and Linear Equations Solving Sills


  • Ana Laura Núñez Rodríguez Universidad de Colima
  • Alma Minerva Aguilar Martínez Universidad de Colima
  • Mireya Sarahí Abarca Cedeño Universidad de Colima
  • Jesús Antonio Larios Trejo Universidad de Colima



Teaching Math, Algebra, Semantic Networks, Academic Performance, Recreational Workshop, Conceptualization, High School Students


Often, the design of dynamic and engaging activities for teaching mathematics is one of the main challenges faced by teachers of the subject, because the Studies Program 2011 of Mexican Educational System considers that is the teacher who should promote teaching situations to arouse interest in students, promoting the development of skills, by working both individually and as a collective. Looking to design and validate experiences that promote the teaching and learning of mathematics, was conducted this research, which aimed to assess the impact of the workshop “Juguemos con Álgebra” in the conceptualization of the subject of mathematics students of 3rd grade group A, of high school Alberto Larios Villalpando, as well as the impact on academic performance in the area of algebraic expressions and solving linear equations. The workshop implemented the Program of Studies 2011, that is, work-based training approach, which is to problematize students to discuss and analyze their procedures and results, supporting this with the game, as a resource for teaching of algebra.


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How to Cite

Núñez Rodríguez, A. L., Aguilar Martínez, A. M., Abarca Cedeño, M. S., & Larios Trejo, J. A. (2014). The Implementation of the Workshop “Let’s Play with Algebra” for the Improvement of Academic Performance in the Field of Algebraic Expressions and Linear Equations Solving Sills. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 2(2).



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