Family and Emotions: A Pedagogical Challenge in Search of Health in Mexico


  • Miriam Isabel Arciniega Miranda Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Family, Body, Health, Emotions


The changes and challenges have become every day in our contemporary societies, where the acceleration, the immediacy and effectiveness of technology have been imposed as a role model in all areas of human life, this has led to new crises in it and agencies responsible for their training, such as family and school. The family as a host structure has been affected by these changes and has failed to respond to the disintegration experienced by subjects, expressed in emotional crisis, psychosomatic illnesses and chronic degenerative steadily increasing. Although the function of shelter and protection that the family has, has been tackling the problem very complex, and in many cases, part of it due to the forms of relatedness that promotes, which are a reflection of the forms of interrelation predominant culture, far from being neutral provoke emotions that impact on the bodies of the subjects, which have been ignored, silenced because the subject does not know how to channel them and processes result in deteriorating health. The pedagogy is challenged to build a prevention proposal, focused on training students in basic education, from a profound reflection about the emotions of everyday living, and have been rescued through a process research in Mexican schools, which has revealed the importance of the family in the subjects' body construction and the possibility of becoming a space of emotional warmth, need to take care of life.


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How to Cite

Arciniega Miranda, M. I. (2014). Family and Emotions: A Pedagogical Challenge in Search of Health in Mexico. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 2(2).



Research articles