The Impact of Academic Mobility in Europe: State of the Art


  • Álvaro Moro Inchaurtieta Universidad de Deusto
  • Itziar Elexpuru Albizuri Universidad de Deusto
  • Lourdes Villardón Gallego Universidad de Deusto



Academic Mobility, Competencies, Values, Higher Education


There are numerous research on the experiences of academic mobility in Europe, fueled by the Erasmus program and its effects. These studies found multiple evidence that these activities have a positive impact in individual, institutional and political level. According to these studies, the student mobility contributes to the personal development of individuals with a wide range of values, competencies and skills increasingly valued by employers. Additionally, mobility has decisively promoted the internationalization of higher education institutions, contributing to their modernization and innovation. Finally, learning abroad contributes to the socio-political development, creating a greater awareness European and supports European economies by encouraging the development of a market for highly qualified international job.


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How to Cite

Moro Inchaurtieta, Álvaro, Elexpuru Albizuri, I., & Villardón Gallego, L. (2014). The Impact of Academic Mobility in Europe: State of the Art. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 2(1).



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