The Role of High School Students' Linguistic Attitudes in Grade and Motivation toward the Study of a Language


  • Arantzazu Rodríguez-Fernández Universidad del País Vasco
  • Urtzi Ruiz-de-Azua-Ormaza Universidad del País Vasco
  • Inge Axpe Universidad del País Vasco



Linguistic Attitudes, Academic Grades, Motivation, Study, Language


Most of the authors agree that attitudes are formed by three components, cognitive, affective and behavioural. In addition, a large number of studies have examined the attitudes of linguistic function in personal-social and psychological variables such as motivation. Nevertheless, very few studies have examined the relationship between the two variables (motivation and linguistic attitudes) from a second language learning. An adaptation of the Roces, Tourón and González’s Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (1995) along with the Ruiz de Azúa-Ormaza’s Linguistic Attitudes Questionnaire (2012) were administered to a sample of 1356 High School students (676 Men and 680 women). Latest school grades were also included.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Fernández, A., Ruiz-de-Azua-Ormaza, U., & Axpe, I. (2013). The Role of High School Students’ Linguistic Attitudes in Grade and Motivation toward the Study of a Language. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 1(1).



Research articles