Social Values Shared by Adolescents in Melilla


  • Maria Tome Fernandez Universidad de Granada
  • Jorge Expósito López Universidad de Granada
  • Emilio Berrocal de Luna Universidad de Granada



Social Values, Adolescents, Intercultural Coexistence, Test Values


This study aims to understand the social values shared by teenager’s students in the autonomous city of Melilla. On this way, a randomized sample of 208 students from different schools and different cultural provenance was selected. After their evaluation, using social values considered on a standard values test by Casares (1995), the following outcomes were founded. The whole sample of students reacted with pleasure to values such as kindness, partnership, common good, citizenship, collaborate, chat, coexistence, rights, dialogue, listen, mood, entertainment, equal opportunity, laws, pluralism, politics, relationships, respect, meeting, social, society, solidarity, tolerance and courage. Only on the value of constitution significant differences were founded.


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How to Cite

Tome Fernandez, M., Expósito López, J., & Berrocal de Luna, E. (2013). Social Values Shared by Adolescents in Melilla. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 1(1).



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