Learning to Promote the Maritime Heritage on the Web 2.0 through the “History and Naval Heritage Master´s Degree”
Web 2.0, Social Web, Broadcast, Postgraduate Studies, Master ́s Degree, Naval History, Naval Heritage, Spain, University of MurciaAbstract
Spain has a rich and extensive Naval and Maritime Heritage, but until recently, for various reasons, it has been plunged partially into oblivion. From de subject “Techniques applied to the Heritage management and dissemination”, teached at the History and Naval Heritage Master´s Degree, we want to contribute bringing to light and sharng our strong relationship with the sea. We do it throught 2.0 tools, in particular blogs and social networks profiles, generated by our postgraduate students. These application are very useful in order to acquire skills related with virtual content and community management, and they are very demanded in the information society, so that, in addition, these skills acquired can become an important niche of employment or proffesional improvement.
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