Experiences of teachers belonging to the engineering schools to implement ICT in their face educational practices
ICT, Pedagogical references, Experiencias educativasAbstract
This article presents the results found in phase four of the doctoral thesis: "Pedagogical references for the use and appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within the educational processes planned and developed by teachers of higher education”. In this phase of the research, it was intended to establish in a direct and precise way how teachers make use of ICT within their classes. This research is carried out in the engineering faculties of three universities in Bogotá (Colombia): a private university, a public university, and a technological public school, training engineers by propaedeutic cycles. The methodology followed is framed under the mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative descriptive, using the technique of structured interview applied to 157 teachers who guide educational processes in engineering faculties. This study could undoubtedly serve as a reference to other engineering teachers who intend to make use of ICT in their educational processes.
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