Correlation between Combined Learning (B-L earning) and Transformational Leadership
Combined Learning, Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Virtual Environments, Total Rank Leadership, Tam Model, Structural Equation ModelingAbstract
The new educational context, poses innovation as a pressing need, to rethink traditional educational models, and thereby meet the new demands of society. However, innovating implies the creation and dissemination of products, processes and methods, where human capital is its essence (OECD, 2010). It requires consideration of the personal dimension of those involved in it. Therefore, innovation and leadership are two core aspects in the society of the 21st century, since they are the key to the success of organizations in the future (EOI, 2010). The most important part of the success of innovations depends on the successful realization of cultural and institutional changes, which are carried out by the leader, who serves as the change manager.
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