Virtual Social nets Impact on Teenage Students: a Research Report


  • Jesus Plaza Universidad Internacional de la Rioja



New Technology, Virtual Social Nets, Education, Risks, Opportunities


Not only is our society changing quickly, but it is also demanding challenges about the way we teach current students due to New Technologies. Along the adolescence young people are especially sensitive to them, as for its impact to make over new relationship, the use of their spare time and their behavior at school. Nowadays the configuration of teenage identity takes form increasingly through virtual nets. This paper is supported by a survey of students from 13 to 17 years of age; they answered to different questions such as the way they use virtual social nets, their personal motivation, the roll ITC performs about learning, if they are aware about dangers involved and how they face them. On comparing the findings of this poll with previous researches, the final report suggests other necessities further than those of external control and safety. It will be more important to provide students with autonomy and responsibility about being conscious of their social duties as much as being able of exercising their rights. So virtual social nets will provide our students positively with an active and constructive behavior, as new societies are demanding.


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How to Cite

Plaza, J. (2016). Virtual Social nets Impact on Teenage Students: a Research Report. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 3(1), 53–63.



Research articles