Distance Education: Promoting Quality in Education
Distance Education, Teacher Education, Teaching QualityAbstract
Teacher training guided in the use of Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs, through education mode Distance, distance education, has provided a strong alternative as regards the training of teachers and the struggle for quality education, with the expansion of offering various courses in this mode and in the interests of expanding the quality of education. The quality of education is seen as an effective learning space from the set of pedagogical and technical quality policies development (Mec, 2011). To answer this set of pedagogical and political techniques is necessary that teachers are up to date. Considering these issues, this article aims to analyze the quality of education through teacher training course offered at a distance by a Brazilian public university. The methodology used is descriptive exploratory research, a case study, in which the research subjects are the teachers graduates of the eighth edition of the teacher training course for the Educational Service Specialist (ESA). The research instrument was a questionnaire and the analysis of the results are satisfactory, showing that the course presents quality and contributes positively to the training of teachers.
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