Use of Social Networks in Higher Education: the Experience of the Project UERJianos the World


  • Alexsandra Barbosa da Silva



Social Networks, Exchange Programs, Information and Communication Technologies


This article deals with the creation of the Project UERJians in the World, developed by the Information and Communication Technologies Laboratory (LaTIC), of the Subrectorship of Graduation of UERJ. The LaTIC aims to promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies under graduation. One of the latest tools that the Internet made possible was the creation of social networks, because through them we can share information and experiences to generate new knowledge. Thus, the project "UERJians in the world", through the blog ( and Facebook page ( was designed in order to contribute for academic education using the interaction of the university students who are participating in exchange programs for the production of knowledge with a collaborative aspect and to encourage the development of social skills for participation in the contemporary society using the technological resources available in social networks.


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How to Cite

Barbosa da Silva, A. (2017). Use of Social Networks in Higher Education: the Experience of the Project UERJianos the World. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 4(2), 57–62.



Research articles