E -Learning in Higher Education as Tool for People with Disabilities Hearing
Hearing Loss, Hearing Impaired, Sign Language, E-learningAbstract
This research aims to incorporate E-learning as a complementary tool for teaching and learning for people with hearing disabilities, assuming that universities should comply with the provisions of the affirmative action measures in benefit of accession of Persons with Disabilities to Higher Education in Venezuela, on the other hand, as indicated in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other relevant laws on disability, which recognize that this population have been discriminated against in the Education University tion so should be allowed equal opportunities in the entry of people with disabilities at university level. In this sense, it is intended to supplement teaching through electronic books, guides, Self, exercises, forums, chat, videoconference and others; to strengthen the knowledge received in the classroom, motivated that there is a disadvantage in high schools, colleges and universities due to lack of sign language interpreters Venezuelan support to teachers. The research design was documentary, bibliographic and field descriptive. Within this framework it is raised the need to rethink the teaching practice, proposing new challenges that will generate, among other things strategic alternative pedagogical gies for building an educational culture in which all feel part well break the barriers of language and communication allowing for greater inclusion of people with hearing loss, or deaf to the university and on the other hand the educational transformation is to strengthen and facilitate understanding of the issues of greatest difficulty through the use of E-learning.
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