Teaching Image: Material Support Language for Teaching Mediation in Learning Environments with Technologies
Online Learning, Teaching Mediation, Didactic Image, Educational Technologies, Teaching Resources DitigalesAbstract
The image is a symbolic element that certainly fills our environment in all areas, especially in areas such as entertainment, advertising, media, etc. Its potential is infinite in each of the fields from which you study this because of their configuration, generating a visual language of communication from which the man intaractúa each other and with their context. Thus, the image as communicative product has been the guardian and transmitter of knowledge since time immemorial, as Egyptian hieroglyphics, to give a clear example. From the educational field, the image has been involved in various materials and educational resources such as textbooks, guides, charts, manuals, etc., however, their role has been to support resources for learning and not to pedagogical mediation instrument in the whole process of teaching and learning. Therefore, in the present an approach reivindicador exposed to potentiate the didactic nature of the image. It is possible to approach the study of the teaching of the image with this approach, thanks to new environments learned-zaje brought about by digital technologies, in which the graphical interfaces (built and configured by language-jes visual), are precisely the didactic element of pedagogical mediation between actors: student-teachers (users), content and learning technologies (GUIs - object), educational institutions and context (environment), teaching-learning process (pedagogical action). Thus, from the analysis of up-tes, educational communication, visual configuration, design and significance of teaching image are elements of pedagogical mediation in the teaching-learning mediated by digital technologies, which act as a vehicle or means digital teaching resources.
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