Evaluation of professional skills. Challenges and opportunities in the work context





Evaluation of professional competencies, digitalization of processes, training of evaluators, institutional support


This research analyzes challenges, opportunities and strategies to optimize the evaluation of professional competencies in the work context. The qualitative methodology of the interpretive paradigm with phenomenological design and grounded theory was used to explore experiences and perceptions of the evaluators. The sample was professional competency evaluators intentionally selected, ensuring the relevance of their experiences in evaluation processes. Through coding, barriers were identified such as lack of standardization in processes, excessive administrative burden and initial resistance from applicants; Opportunities related to the digitalization and implementation of technologies to improve the quality of evaluations were also recognized. The proposed strategies include raising awareness among applicants, continuous training of evaluators, digitization of documents, and introduction of incentives that promote commitments. The findings highlight the importance of combining technological innovation, institutional support and user-centered approaches to ensure sustainability and positive impact of evaluation processes.


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How to Cite

Cardenas-Landeo, E., & Arones Jara, M. R. (2024). Evaluation of professional skills. Challenges and opportunities in the work context. EDUTECH REVIEW. International Education Technologies Review Revista Internacional De Tecnologías Educativas, 9(2), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.62701/revedutech.v9.5428



Research articles