Modeling and management of a pedagogical (MAAE: audiovisual media applied to education ) for the recovery and strengthening of social values in fourth grade students of the school Santa Cruz de Lorica -Córdoba, Colombia
Information Technology and Communication, Values, Values Education, Entertainment, Audiovisual Media, DPS: Participatory Social DocumentaryAbstract
This research seeks to rescue, strengthen and form human values, encourages an axiomatic change that is favorable for all. And is to overcome the clear need to establish an environment and a healthy bond between the students and the teacher, students among themselves, as students and parents, which together with teachers and society must educate well to children, with the best intentions in the normal activity of human affective relations, hence the implementation of this project will invite us to rethink our teaching work, taking a more critical and actual role against the formation of people beyond contents. The surest way to improve is to inculcate human values, as real as essential to strengthening the values of fourth grade children Basic Primary Education Institution Santa Cruz de Lorica, in this case through the implementation of a teaching proposal called MAAE (Applied to Audiovisual Media Education) which holds as a significant mediator between resources and strategies including management, use and creation of DPS: Participatory Social documentaries on rooted issues to needs and problems presented in context, with free stories and expressions spontaneous investigated, as well as the use of photographs, videos etc., where it was determined that the incidence was implementing the proposed strategy and from it to generate great motivation, critical thinking, changes in thinking, behavior and attitude, improving their school, family and social environment and in turn contributing to the use and ownership of audiovisual materials applied to education.
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