WCAG 2.0 Guidelines to Determine the Accessibility Level of Two Educational Platforms
Web accessibility, WAI 2.0, educational platforms, educational sitesAbstract
In the knowledge society the implementation of standards to ensure access to information without barriers is relevant. In addition to this, many countries have implemented laws to promote websites accessibility. With technological advancement and changes in teaching-learning paradigms, educational platforms emerged as a support to the implementation of sites that provide an alternative or complement to this process. These educational platforms must meet the expectations of stakeholders such as the institution, the teacher and student; through an accessible interface. So, to allow an interaction and representation of the content of the site, platforms must be designed to be perceived and operated by anyone. For these reasons, it is important to identify the web site accessibility. So, there are international organizations that define and promote standards that facilitate universal access to Web content. The measurement can be implemented using automated tools, as discussed in this paper. This paper presents the theoretical framework and the procedures used to evaluate web accessibility of two built educational sites using various platforms, one free and one owned, based on the set forth WAI 2.0 criteria. The results show that analyzed web sites present significant barriers to web accessibility. That is, their designs lack standards recommended by international standards, in order to allow the inclusion of a greater number of potential users.
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