The Multiculturalism in Literature for Youth: Tensions, Negotiations and Resistances
Multiculturalism, Identity, Literary Arts for YouthAbstract
In fact, the cultural relationships between different groups are not something specific to contemporary society, but the globalized world is the place where cultural communities relate in a more intense and complex way. The dynamics of globalization approach groups of different cultures causing tensions and resistances. In the Arts, this phenomenon is represented in different ways. In Literature - in this case addressed to youth - understood as a cultural and symbolic production, there are various practices of meaning, which are responsible to build ways of seeing, being and living. These practices point out the perception of plural identities. Artists, with the construction of their aesthetic and political projects, can refuse hegemonic discourses, fighting against prejudice, disrespect, exclusion, denying the ideology based on dominant values. The main purpose of this study is to analyze, in the new perspectives of Comparative Studies, the role of literary art and their intercultural dialogues.
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