Theoretical Explanations od Discriminations of Women in the Labour Market: Microeconomic Foundations


  • Borja Sepúlveda ESIC - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Ángel Algarra Paredes Universidad CEU-San Pablo
  • Rodolfo Ramos Melero Universidad CEU-San Pablo



Discrimination Based on Sex, Inequality, Labor Market, Glass Ceilings


The presence of women in the labor market is increasing gradually, but this has not prevented the fact that they find more problems in their careers than men. This area of gender inequality in the labor market poses new challenges for gender equality policies, aimed at ensuring full labor market participation of women as well as equal opportunities for the development of their professional careers. Discrimination against women is a "glass ceiling" for professional development, promotion, and occupation of the highest positions at the companies. This article covers the main explanatory theories of discrimination suffered by women in the labor market from a microeconomic point of view.

Author Biographies

Borja Sepúlveda, ESIC - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Alumno del último curso de la Licenciatura en Administración y Dirección de Empresas en ESIC (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). Su magnífico expediente le ha conducido a participar en proyectos de investigación sobre desigualdad por razón de sexo en la Universidad CEU-San Pablo. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre el tema en Revistas científicas españolas y americanas.

Ángel Algarra Paredes, Universidad CEU-San Pablo

Profesor Agregado de Fundamentos de Análisis Económico de la Universidad CEU-San Pablo y Director de la CEU Business School. Autor de un gran número de libros y artículos de su área de conocimiento, en aspectos como la teoría monetaria, el mercado de trabajo y, actualmente, en temas de familia e igualdad.


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How to Cite

Sepúlveda, B., Algarra Paredes, Ángel, & Ramos Melero, R. (2012). Theoretical Explanations od Discriminations of Women in the Labour Market: Microeconomic Foundations. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 1(1).



Research articles