Public Budgetary Principles for a Proposal of a Basic Income for Citizens
Income Distribution, Poverty, Citizen Basic Income, Generational AccountingAbstract
In Spain most of homes have an income lower than 2000¼ per month. In addition, if we compare year per year the poverty lines of the different classes of homes, we can conclude that the poor are poorer since the crisis began, with a decrease of the poverty line from 7.945¼ in 2009 to 7.533,33¼ in the year 2011. This last quantity is very close to the Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects (IPREM) of 7.455,12 €. This indicator is a reference for the calculation of several grants, as unemployment between others. In addition the aging of the population is one of the most pressing problems for the developed economies, and Spain is not an exception. For the next thirty years, the growing of the pensioner people is bigger than the growing of the labor people. Even more, the nowadays tributary income has a negative growth, and the social contributions for Social Security during 2012 will not cover totally the expense in pensions that year. For solving those situations (increase of the poverty line, aging and fiscal income with negative growth) it is proposed a Citizen Basic Income in order to face to the first need expenses. The implantation by the governments implies analyzing the effect that the decision would have not only in the current population-citizens-, but also in the future ones. It is necessary to bear in mind the effect that the decision carries. In this paper we remember several existing principles and we include new ones in order to be borne in mind by a goYernment based on justice and social equity. The new principles that we include in this paper are: transparency of the budget and its management; transfer of resources between the diverse generations in every moment of time; relevant information.
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