From the Origin of Dietetics to the Emergence of Nutrition Considerations on Scientific Contributions in the Area
Diet, Nutrition, Science, Scientific ContributionAbstract
Nutrition and dietetics throughout history have been viewed from two fundamental aspects: as a means to restore health and as a means to prevent the disease. Since its inception the appearance of dietetics, the search was based on maintaining the balance of health and disease. Later, with the rise of the scientific revolution, as is nutrition science who focuses on the study of the different processes through which the body uses nutrients ingested. In the historical development of scientific knowledge both concepts, provided the key tools for the study of this discipline. All these important contributions, provided the fundamental basis for the development of nutrition as a scientific discipline XXI century, currently devoted to the study of many problems associated with food and modern lifestyles. Nutrition therefore rests on the discipline of scientific knowledge, is the fundamental basis for the understanding of the causes of the problems and possible solutions to search for them.
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