Writing in a Reticulated Village: Intervention of the Format on the Content


  • Gladys Carrasquel Universitat Abat Oliba




Language, Social Media, Global Village, Communication Discourse, Scripture


Today is some diffuse the naif notion that envision of a village where the daily is resized and is part of a global space, which thanks to technology shortens any distance and in which we all have access to everything. That village exists, true, but today is not that naïve. It has definite patterns, a kind of grid in which you enter and you are let to be guided or are expulsed like it was the most natural way. It seems that when we moved from oral tradition to writing, it will stay forever, that we would live in that Gutenberg galaxy that showed us McLuchan in form of book. The writing is and will continue to exist as a way to shape the thinking, but today is not as free as it seems. What we say is as important as the how and where, and if it is true that the medium is not the message, certainly it is part of it. The concept is the important, no matter the format, says Umberto Eco talking about the book and the controversy surrounding his possible decline in paper. Today information is transferred and according to the container can change the content. But is not only to adapt the format to an specific media, because entering into a new media space is accompanied by a change in the worldview of an event, both of who gives and the one who receives information. The complexity of language is added today to the complexity of the media world, in which a sort of butterfly effect falls on any word or several of them grouped together like a sentence.

Author Biography

Gladys Carrasquel, Universitat Abat Oliba

Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello y Máster en Psicocreatividad en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Es secretaria en el grupo de investigación psicrea: reserch, de la Universitat Abat Oliba. También es content editor en la web del grupo www.psicrea.com. Como copywriter, ha trabajado en canales de tv y agencias de publicidad (Grey, Publicis); y como asistente de fotografía en factor dos studio, Barcelona. Actualmente escribe artículos sobre temas de creatividad en diferentes publicaciones online, y es Content Editor en www.bemycity.com.


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How to Cite

Carrasquel, G. (2013). Writing in a Reticulated Village: Intervention of the Format on the Content. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revsocial.v2.1226



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