Development of the Portuguese Version of the Celiac Disease Questionnaire


  • Catarina Lobão Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria
  • Rui Gonçalves Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
  • Baltazar Ricardo Monteiro Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria



Health-Related Quality Of Life, Adult Celiac Patient


Celiac disease is characterized as a permanent and chronic intolerance to the gluten ingestion. The only effective treatment is the lifelong gluten-free diet, which implies radical changes in the patient’s life and eating habits with a constant challenge and potential shifts in their health-related quality of life. The health-related quality of life occupies an important place as a research subject in different areas of human activity. However we do not found in the literature specific instruments adapted to the Portuguese reality that could measure the health-related quality of life in celiac patients. Then our goal is to develop the Portuguese version of the Celiac Disease Questionnaire - CDQ (developed by Dr. Winfried Häuser team in 2007), which may contribute to the identification of factors that influence the adult celiac patients health-related quality of life. We carried out the translation, cultural and functional equivalence of measures with a preliminary study. Subsequently we applied the CDQ to 231 celiac patients and proceeded with a component analysis and reliability. As in the original version, the analysis of the Portuguese version suggests the existence of a four dimensions model with a KMO coefficient of 0.897. Nevertheless, we obtained a different item factor loading in each dimension: emotional experience, social participation, fears and concerns, gastrointestinal symptoms. For each dimension the Cronbach's α ranged from 0.71 to 0.89 and an overall value of 0.91. The Portuguese version of the CDC proved to be a specific instrument for health-related quality of life assessment in adult celiac patients.

Author Biographies

Catarina Lobão, Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria

Professor de Enfermagem da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde em Instituto Politécnico de Leiria e pesquisador da Unidade de Pesquisa da Saúde (UIS), Escola de Ciências da Saúde de Leiria.

Rui Gonçalves, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra

Professor de Enfermagem da Escola de Enfermagem de Coimbra e investigador na Unidade de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde: Enfermagem (UICISA-E) realizou na Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra.

Baltazar Ricardo Monteiro, Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria

Professor de Enfermagem da Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde em Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (Portugal) e pesquisador da Unidade de Pesquisa em Saúde (UIS), Escola de Ciências da Saúde de Leiria.


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How to Cite

Lobão, C., Gonçalves, R., & Monteiro, B. R. (2013). Development of the Portuguese Version of the Celiac Disease Questionnaire. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 2(1).



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